Connecting Communities with Our New Fostoria-Tiffin Route

We’re thrilled to announce the launch of the new route connecting Fostoria and Tiffin, made possible by a grant from the Ohio Department of Transportation. This route will enhance access to work, hospitals, and other essential destinations for residents in both communities.

NCAT Receives Grant for Technology Upgrades

An icon of Fostoria, Winston Allen, known by many as “Mr. Winston” has been promoted to road supervisor for all three counties in our service area!

NCAT Announces Key Leadership Promotion

We recently announced the promotion of Kelsie Schleter to Assistant Director, a role newly created by NCAT Board of Directors in response to the organization’s recent growth.  

“Mr. Winston” is Promoted

An icon of Fostoria, Winston Allen, known by many as “Mr. Winston” has been promoted to road supervisor for all three counties in our service area!

New Software to Better Serve You

We have successfully implemented the CTS/TripMasters software across Crawford, Huran, and Seneca counties. This user-friendly software will help improve safety and enhance our scheduling efficiency.

Coordination Leads to Success

April 8 was a historic day for our area as the total solar eclipse passed through our communities.

I hope you were able to view this exciting event as several communities were in the path of totality. Read more about our efforts to provide services during this historic event.

NCAT Attends Human Trafficking Awareness Conference

Several NCAT staff members attended a conference aimed at addressing human trafficking. Learn more about this important issue and how we’re playing our part to address it.

Employee Appreciation Dinner

Our employee appreciation dinner was held recently, allowing NCAT to celebrate our outstanding staff and drivers. We presented our Employee of the Year award and recognized three other employees for their outstanding service.

Free Rides for Memorial Day

In honor of our veterans, we are offering free in-county rides on Friday, May 24. You will still need to schedule your ride at least 48 hours in advance. 

April 2024 Newsletter

Welcome to our e-newsletter! First and foremost, as you may have heard, we officially changed our name in January from Seneca-Crawford Area Transportation (SCAT) to North Central Area Transit (NCAT).